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Ireland: “The Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Will Spread Worldwide”

July 15, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Ireland

(Minghui.org) Practitioners held activities in the center of Dublin on June 24 and July 1, 2023. After learning about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa, many people signed the petition and condemned the Party for its atrocities. Some offered encouragement, saying, “The world needs Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance right now.”

Falun Dafa practitioners set up an information booth on Grafton Street in Dublin on July 1.

“I see hope now”

A local man, David, said after signing the petition, “The persecution is wrong. This is not right. This is not what the divine wants. I want to do my best to expose this evil and help practitioners end the persecution. The CCP must leave China.”

A practitioner told David that over 400 million Chinese people have already withdrawn from the CCP and its youth organizations and the numbers are increasing every day.

David said, “400 million people is about a third of China’s population. This is not a small number. Thank you for telling me this. I see hope now.”

David said it was encouraging to hear that millions of Chinese had quit the CCP.

Locals Condemn the Persecution

James, a devout Christian, preaches Christianity on the streets of Dublin every day. He waved as he passed the practitioners’ booth on July 1. Practitioners asked if he wanted to sign the petition. He said, “How can I not sign after learning that Falun Dafa practitioners and Christians are being persecuted in China?” He described the CCP as “evil, vicious and awful” after learning how the Party condones the forced harvesting of organs from living Falun Dafa practitioners.

James signed the petition to end the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Barry, a tourist from Australia, said he’d talked with practitioners in Australia and New Zealand and signed the petition before.

He said, “The persecution is horrible, but that is the nature of the CCP: It has no respect for human rights. I hope the CCP disintegrates and the persecution of Falun Dafa ends. We have to try our best and pray that this will happen.”

Barry from Australia condemned the persecution of Falun Dafa.

Barry said he has practiced Buddhism for 15 years. He lived in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains for 20 years and speaks fluent Tibetan. Practitioners explained that Falun Dafa has a connection with Buddhism and recommended Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Dafa, to him.

He thanked practitioners for telling him more about Falun Dafa and said, “I will read Zhuan Falun.”

“The Principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Will Spread Worldwide”

Margaret is a nurse and spent many years in war zones as a member of the Red Cross. She said, “I think the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are absolutely beautiful. ‘Truthfulness’ is the first thing people lose when they go to war. The most important thing is that people need it now more than ever.” She believes that because of “compassion” people feel compelled to help out in war zones.

She said that the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance convey a beautiful message and carry a powerful energy. “People will remember. Their children will also remember. The beautiful message will spread worldwide.”

Margaret said, “I think the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are absolutely beautiful.”

“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are very important.”

Bernie from England was vacationing in Ireland and stopped to talk with practitioners at the Falun Dafa information booth in Dublin on June 24. She pointed to the lotus flower on the table and said, “I have one like that. It is blue.”

She said that a Falun Dafa practitioner gave her the lotus flower five years ago. That was when she learned about the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting. She said, “The lotus flower is still hanging by my bed. I really like it.”

She pointed to the word “Forbearance” and said that she liked it. Teresa, a friend who came with her, said that “Compassion” left a deep impression on her. A practitioner recommended that they read Zhuan Falun, telling them that they could download the book for free. The practitioner also mentioned that there was a link about the lotus flower on the Falun Dafa website. Bernie said she and her friend would look online.

This was the first time Roger had ever heard about Falun Dafa. When he learned that Falun Dafa practitioners adhere to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, he said, “These principles are very important. Truthfulness is very important. Compassion’ is also great.”

Karl supports Falun Dafa practitioners in ending the persecution.

Karl said, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are beautiful principles. The CCP is turning people into robots. They are destroying moral values and self-respect and destroying the values that people hold onto.”

Karl said the CCP is “very evil and wicked. These are the only words I can think of to describe them.”

“Falun Dafa is truly beautiful”

Joel from the UK is attending school in Ireland. He said that he has a friend whose parents practice, and he learned about Falun Dafa from them so he supports practitioners in resisting the persecution.

“Falun Dafa is very peaceful, truly beautiful. I am shocked to see the persecution happening in China,” Joel said. He signed the petition and said that a group of peaceful people like Falun Dafa practitioners should not be subjected to such a brutal persecution: “I will do my best to support Falun Dafa practitioners.”

Joel, a student from the UK, said, “Falun Dafa is truly beautiful.”

Joseph who was on vacation in Ireland, signed the petition to show his support. He said, “I think everyone should have the freedom to pursue the truth.”

He was very interested in the exercise demonstration. He said he’d read about Falun Dafa in a book on Chinese cultivation ways. He said he’d always wanted to learn traditional Chinese martial arts and qigong. Practitioners told him that he could download the Falun Dafa lecture series free of charge online and that there are practitioners in every country who show people how to do the exercise for free. Joseph said, “That’s great!”