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New York: Upstate Residents Learn Falun Gong at Independence Day Celebration

July 17, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in New York State

(Minghui.org) A variety of traditional food, art exhibitions, traditional Chinese medicine, marching bands, displays of figures, costumes, and weapons from the American Revolutionary War, and a playground for children welcomed many local people with their families to celebrate Independence Day at New Century Films on July 1, and 2, 2023. The event was jointly organized by The Epoch Times (English) and New Century. Among the many booths, the Falun Dafa booth was particularly eye-catching. Visitors learned to practice Falun Dafa exercises on the spot.

Falun Dafa exercise demonstration

Citizens Support Falun Gong

Veterans support Falun Dafa

Several American veterans who came to the opening ceremony saw Falun Dafa practitioners demonstrating the peaceful exercise. After learning that Falun Dafa, a spiritual group, is being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), they were very sad and expressed their support for Falun Gong, aka Falun Dafa. 

A couple took a brochure introducing Falun Dafa after being told that it helped people in more than 100 countries and regions to become healthier physically and mentally. They were very moved when they learned that Falun Gong practitioners have persistently, peacefully, and rationally clarified the truth about Falun Gong,telling the facts to the world for the past 24 years while being brutally persecuted by the CCP. They expressed their support for Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners’ effort calling for an end to the persecution. 

Denise and her husband had heard of Falun Gong, and they also know about the ongoing persecution in China. The couple was very interested in Falun Gong, and said that they supported Falun Gong practitioners’ effort to stop the persecution.

President Heather Bell-Mayer of Orange County Chamber of Commerce and a friend came to the Falun Gong booth to express their support.

A couple said they supported Falun Gong’s endeavors to end the persecution.

“We need to take a good look at this flier”

A man passed by the booth and accepted a flier about Falun Gong. Then he hesitated and asked if Falun Gong was a religion because he was a Jew, implying that he was bound by his own religion, and had some worries about Falun Gong.

A practitioner told him that he also has some Jewish friends who practice Falun Gong, because they believe that Falun Gong has brought them great physical and mental benefits. Moreover, Falun Gong is not restricted by race or nationality, and anyone can learn it.

The practitioner also mentioned the persecution of the Jews by the German Nazis during the World War II. Many people, regardless of race, color, or religion, did their best to help the persecuted Jews. Today, the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong is very similar to the persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany. 

The practitioner sincerely told the man: “Sir, you must be able to do something.” The man was moved and his eyes were wet. At this time, his wife came from another booth. He handed the flier to her and said solemnly, “We need to take a good look at this flier.”

Learning Falun Dafa Exercises

Two children are learning Falun Dafa exercises 

A mother knew that Falun Dafa is very good and would benefit her children, so she brought them to the booth and encouraged them to learn the exercises. 

Ms. Lynn is learning the Falun Dafa exercises.

Lynn heard that Falun Dafa cannot only help people to achieve a healthy body, but also make people’s minds peaceful, so she learned the exercises at the booth. 

A man in a purple T-shirt brought his friends to learn Falun Dafa exercises

A man passed by the booth and saw the peaceful exercise atmosphere. He heard that Falun Dafa can improve the mind and body, so he decided to give it a try. He felt very good learning a set of exercise. He brought his friends to the booth to learn it so that they could experience the positive energy of Falun Gong.