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Toronto, Canada: Practitioners Hold Grand Parade and Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Victims of the Decades-long Persecution

July 21, 2023 |   By Minghui correspondents in Toronto

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners held events in Toronto’s city center to call for an end to the 24-year-long persecution of Falun Dafa on July 15, 2023. Their grand parade passed through Toronto’s bustling streets and was well-received by spectators. Some waved to practitioners while others honked their car horns to show their support. People on both sides of the street took photos or videos to record the event. The policemen on duty also hung lotus flower mementos on their bicycles.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched a nationwide persecution 24 years ago. Many Falun Dafa practitioners who held true to their belief lost their lives during this persecution. Despite the rain on the evening of July 15, practitioners quietly sat in front of the Chinese Consulate General in Toronto. They silently commemorated those who lost their lives while holding firm to their belief in Falun Dafa.

Practitioners held a grand parade to tell people about the 24-year-long persecution.

That evening practitioners held a candlelight vigil to commemorate fellow practitioners who were persecuted to death.

Public Condemns the Persecution

Marcedez (right) and Belen, from Argentina, watched the practitioners’ parade.

Marcedez and Belen from Argentina said they heard the Tian Guo Marching Band’s music from a distance and came to watch the parade. Marcedez said, “We were actually quite far from the parade but as soon as we heard the band’s music we came.”

Belen said, “I think the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance portray a person’s sincerity, righteousness, and honesty.”

Marcedez said, “Argentina’s military dictatorship also committed horrendous human rights crimes in the 1970s. Although the regime did not murder as many citizens as the Chinese communist regime, it still left an incurable scar on people. Therefore, I am empathetic towards practitioners who are subjected to persecution.”

Viviane said that she will tell her friends and family about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

Viviane is a teacher. After learning about the CCP’s 24-year-long persecution of Falun Dafa, including forced live organ harvesting, she said, “I am very upset by all of this. There are no words to describe how sad I feel! This is terrible! The CCP’s crimes need to stop. We need to take action and I will definitely tell everyone I know about Falun Dafa.”

A spectator Mike watched the parade and said, “I learned about the persecution during practitioners’ previous activities. It is disappointing to see the crimes committed by the CCP. I know that practitioners have had their lives renewed after they began practicing Falun Dafa. There is no question that this practice is magnificent!”

“Everyone needs to know about the persecution of Falun Dafa”

Mickey was sad to learn that practitioners lost their lives for practicing their faith.

Mickey is an acupuncturist. She noticed the practitioners’ candlelight vigil and said that she had heard about Falun Dafa before, “I signed the petition in the past and support practitioners in ending the persecution. This persecution is horrible. My heart is broken for those practitioners. What the CCP is doing is inhumane and it is wrong.”

“I pray for those practitioners in China and I hope they can get through this havoc. I am truly sad to see those [memorial] flower wreaths the practitioners carried. Everyone in this world needs to know the truth about how the CCP persecutes Falun Dafa.”

People Should Not Be Imprisoned for Practicing Falun Dafa

Ben (first on the right) participates in the candlelight vigil.

Ben who began practicing in 2020 said, “Falun Dafa changed my life. I was just surfing the Internet one day and read a sentence from one of Master’s lectures and it moved my soul deeply.”

“This is the second time I’ve participated in a candlelight vigil. I have the same feeling as I did when I participated in the candlelight vigil for the first time. I am very sad seeing those pictures of practitioners who were persecuted to death. One 14-year-old girl was persecuted to death.

“From my personal experience, Falun Dafa is great. People should never be imprisoned for practicing it. Falun Dafa has been persecuted for 24 years, and it is way too long. I hope people can understand more about it and experience the practice for themselves,” Ben said.