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The Wonders in Falun Dafa Cultivation

July 28, 2023 |   By Qinghe, a Falun Dafa practitioner

(Minghui.org) I’ve had many amazing experiences during the past 27 years of practicing Falun Dafa and I would like to share them with you.

Dream Comes True

While growing up I was often sick and consequently weak. I suffered from a long list of diseases, including heart disease, stomach problems, low blood pressure, low blood sugar, frequent dizziness, fatigue, and in particular - depression with long-term insomnia. In my 40s, I looked like someone in her 70s. My daily pain was agonizing.

I had a vivid dream one day in 1992. In my dream, I died in an accident and went to a faraway place. A great doctor adjusted my body, turning me into a healthy young woman. When I returned home, my family could hardly recognize me. I was so happy! When I woke up, I realized that it was just a dream.

This beautiful dream became a reality just a few short years later.

On the first night I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996, I was able to sleep! The insomnia which tormented me for half of my life was gone!

When I opened Zhuan Falun (the main text of Falun Dafa) and saw the author’s picture, he looked so familiar. Then I remembered he was that doctor in my dream! I was extremely excited; I found my Master! I made up my mind to cultivate Falun Dafa.

With continuous Fa-study, I understood that the true meaning of life is to cultivate and return to one’s true self. I live by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. I strive to be a good and better person and be considerate of others. As I kept improving my morality, my body went through enormous changes; all my illnesses were gone!

I used to take a lot of medicine, but not after taking up cultivation. I went through body purification from time to time and became healthier and stronger.

When the persecution began, I was arrested, detained, and tortured. It caused severe damage to my body. Even my family thought I wouldn’t be able to recover. But after returning home, I resumed studying Fa and exercising and with Master Li’s (Dafa’s founder) protection and reinforcement, I recovered completely!

I even looked much younger than my age. A person asked me, “You look terrific, how do you take care of your skin?” I told her that it was all because I practice Falun Dafa.

Just like what Master said:

“Her face was without wrinkles, glowing with a fair and rosy complexion. She did not look like a person approaching seventy. This will happen to our Falun Dafa cultivators.” (Lecture Five, Zhuan Falun)

Now in my 70s, I feel better than when I was in my 40s.

The Wonders in Falun Dafa Cultivation

Master Installs Falun and Cultivation Mechanisms

Shortly after I began practicing Dafa, I felt something rotating in my abdominal area, and it felt comfortable. I realized Master installed Falun (in other dimensions) for me. I also felt the Falun rotation when I did the second exercise.

In addition to the Falun, Master also placed a set of cultivation mechanisms in the body of each Dafa practitioner, along with the Falun, which operates automatically twenty-four hours a day.

I benefited so much from Dafa cultivation. I am no longer sensitive of cold weather or have to wear a thick coat or use an electric blanket in the winter. Instead, I always feel warm.

Open Celestial Vision

When I did the second exercise the first time, Master opened my celestial eye and I saw many colors, such as green, blue and purple, appearing in front of me. During group exercises, I also saw a lot of people bustling around me, men and women, young and old, as well as a child making faces to tease me.

While meditating, I saw beautiful clouds, mountains, and trees in other dimensions. The air was transparent, and everything was so beautiful, beyond human words. I understood that Master was encouraging me to be more diligent. I am grateful to Master!

Opening the Greater Heavenly Circuit

In 1996, when I had just practiced Dafa for three months, I began to nod my head while doing meditation, and my body lifted up and down. I realized that this was opening the greater heavenly circuit. Later, while meditating, my head turned left and right. It was a sign of opening the maoyou heavenly circuit. It lasted for three months and then stopped.

After that, I felt that my body was particularly light. While walking, I felt as if my feet were off the ground. I walked fast and no one could keep up with me. When doing the standing exercises, especially when holding the wheel, my body floated up and my toes barely touched the ground.

It was a wonderful time back then, my mind was sharp and I could do everything so easily! At that time, the company I worked for was under construction. Sometimes the leader asked me to go to work at the construction site. I took a big shovel, dug soil and loaded cars like my male colleagues. I didn’t feel tired. Sometimes the engineer brought blueprints and asked me to help with the drawings. I had not learned it but I somehow understood and could make accurate drawings. I told the engineer that I practice Falun Dafa and Master Li granted me wisdom.

Face Police Harassment with Righteous Thoughts

The communist regime ordered the persecution in July 1999. I remained firm in practicing Falun Dafa, no matter how the police harassed me.

In May 2015, my family and I filed a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin, the former head of the regime who ordered the persecution. We received an acknowledgment from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate three days later. Unexpectedly, a few months later, the procuratorate sent my letter and other practitioners’ letters to the local police, who began to harass us.

One day, three police officers came to my home. I thought it was a good opportunity to clarify the facts to them.

“Did you file a lawsuit? Who asked you to do so?” They looked around as they were talking.

I urged them to stop searching my home. I told them that both the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and Supreme People’s Court have issued a statement to accept any case filed with them. I also said that I had long wanted to sue Jiang Zemin for initiating the persecution and now is the perfect time.

I began to clarify basic Falun Dafa information to them, how I benefit from practicing Dafa, and what I went through in detention and labor camps. They were shocked to learn that I suffered such severe torture. I also told them that Falun Dafa is a supreme Buddha school practice and it has already spread to over 100 countries in the world. I urged them not to participate in the persecution.

“We are not participating in the persecution and we are here just to collect some information from you.” They left and never came back.