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Friends and Colleagues Show Their Support After Wife’s Persecution Death for Upholding Our Shared Faith

July 7, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) When I was finally released in the spring of 2014 after over 20 months of detention for practicing Falun Dafa, I was devastated to find my wife on the verge of death, due to the persecution of our shared faith.

Her hair was gray. Her voice was coarse. She had systemic edema and couldn’t keep her balance while walking. She told me that she was also arrested hours after my arrest. The police injected her with unknown drugs. She felt dizzy and numb shortly after. After one month of detention, she was transferred to a brainwashing center, where she began to bleed in her ears, nose, and mouth. She also had blood in her urine and stool. Fearing that she might die in the brainwashing center, the authorities tried to take her to a labor camp, which refused to admit her due to her failing health. Only then did the police release her.

My wife said she started reading Dafa books and doing Dafa exercises after she returned home. But as soon as she recovered, the police arrested her again and took her back to the brainwashing center. She fell into critical condition due to the torture there and was taken back home. After several rounds of such persecution, she became very weak. Her vision declined quickly and she couldn’t stand on her own.

Not long after I returned home, my wife passed away.

Upon hearing about her passing, our neighbors, friends, and former colleagues all came to mourn her. The hallway and stairs of our apartment building were full of flowers they brought in. Some plainclothes officers came to monitor the situation. People commented that the police weren’t protecting public security, but causing public damage. Not long after, the police left. One of our guests commented, “If they dare to cause any trouble here, I wouldn’t let them go easily!”

As my son discussed details with the funeral home about my wife’s memorial service, they offered a larger room without extra charge, in order to show their respect for my wife.

To my surprise, many of my wife’s former colleagues came in busloads to attend her funeral. Others came in their own cars. It turned out the chairman of her work union organized it. He told me that he truly admired her for being such a kind and considerate person.

Both the union chairman and representative of my wife’s friends gave touching talks at her memorial service. When they asked me to say something, I choked, not only because of my wife’s passing but also the overwhelming support I received from everyone present, which I had never expected.

When we had dinner after her funeral, the restaurant owner also offered much free food. He said that he appreciated my wife and me for giving him so many informational materials about Dafa over the years. He was also grateful that we told him the facts about Dafa, the persecution, and the evilness of the Chinese Communist Party. He said he had enjoyed good business after he quit the Communist Party and he believed it was a blessing from Dafa. I thanked him for his support and I insisted on paying for the extra food he provided us.

When I returned home, I saw a former neighbor outside of my apartment building. She asked me why I did not tell her about my wife’s passing, which she learned from others. I said I was concerned that her husband worked for the Political and Legal Affairs Committee, an extra-judiciary agency tasked with persecuting Falun Dafa. “He works for the Committee, but it doesn’t mean our hearts belong to it.” She said she was also grateful that my wife told her the facts about Dafa and the evil nature of the Communist Party. She said it was such a pity she didn’t get to bid farewell to my wife.

Although my wife passed away, the support and appreciation from the people she talked to kept my heart warm. I deeply feel that Master has compassion for all sentient beings and we shoulder great responsibility to let more people know about Falun Dafa.