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Michigan, U.S.: Falun Dafa Warmly Received in Ann Arbor’s Fourth of July Parade

July 8, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Michigan

(Minghui.org) Practitioners in Michigan were invited to participate in the Ann Arbor Jaycees Fourth of July Parade on July 2, 2023. Considered to be one of the best Independence Day parades in Michigan, this was a part of the 33rd annual day-long celebration event.

Ann Arbor has one of the largest Asian American communities in the state. Chinese and Westerners said they were happy to see Falun Dafa in the parade.

Practitioners were invited to participate in the 33rd Ann Arbor Jaycees Fourth of July Parade.

As practitioners passed the stage, spectators cheered for them. Ann Arbor Jaycees Community Vice President Kelsey Luha said that Falun Dafa was a great group to have in the parade, and that Ann Arbor aimed to be more multicultural. 

Dr. Thomas Wakefield at the parade (Photo provided by NTDTV)

Dr. Thomas Wakefield, a vascular surgeon in Ann Arbor, said that it was important for children to learn that countless people paid their lives to build and guard our country. He thought it was great that Falun Dafa brought awareness of the important principles of Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance, which are the basis for peace in our lives.

Practitioner Vivian LaFarge (Photo provided by NTDTV)

Vivian LaFarge who practices Falun Dafa said, “Falun Dafa is one of the most beautiful things in my life. It has given me strength, confidence, great health and happiness. It has made me the person I want to be. I hope more people will learn about this amazing practice!”