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Sacramento, California: Introducing Falun Dafa at Cal Expo

Aug. 10, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the U.S.

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in Sacramento, California set up a booth in the free speech area of the Cal Expo over three weekends – from July 15 to July 29, 2023. They introduced the traditional self-cultivation practice called Falun Dafa that originated in ancient China. For the past more than 20 years, practitioners have participated in this annual event, which attracts thousands of people each day. A large number of people watched the Falun Dafa exercise demonstration and were given information about the practice.

Practitioners in Sacramento introduce Falun Dafa at the Cal Expo.

Many people stopped by the Falun Dafa booth. They told practitioners that they thought highly of Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and would like to learn Falun Dafa.

A man cried while passing the booth, calling out, “Falun Dafa is good!” He warmly greeted practitioners and told them, “I know it pretty well! The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) shouldn’t persecute you!”

David, an employee of the Expo, thanked Falun Gong practitioners for bringing the message of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to the visitors of this Expo. He took some fliers and paper lotus flowers to help distribute them, as he has done in past years. He enjoys seeing people happy to receive them. 

David appreciates that Falun Dafa practitioners brought their beautiful message to the expo.

A young woman from China told a practitioner, “I know what’s happening in China. One of my mom’s friends was arrested and taken to a prison for practicing Falun Dafa and died.”

A middle-aged Chinese man took pictures of the Falun Dafa banners and told practitioners, “Well done! Keep up with your great job!”

A woman stopped her car close to the booth and wanted to give practitioners three boxes of fresh fruits she had bought for them. She said, “These are my token of appreciation!” Practitioners thanked her and eventually took one box. 

A couple of employees of a senior activity center were happy to learn about the benefits provided by Falun Dafa. They invited practitioners to teach the exercises at the senior center, and left their contact information.