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Recovering from Sickness Karma with Belief in Master and the Fa

Aug. 15, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) My husband and I began to cultivate in Falun Dafa in the winter of 1998. We wish to share our experiences of how we passed tests of sickness karma and how our broken printer is still printing.

For a while, I slacked off in studying the Fa and doing the exercises, and the old forces took advantage of it. My eyes looked opaque and were not moving properly, just like the eyes of a dead fish. I also had double vision. My children were so scared that they urged me to go to a hospital. I told them, “I am a Dafa practitioner, and Master Li (Falun Dafa’s founder) is taking care of me. I am fine. Don’t worry about me.” But how could non-practitioners understand it? Therefore, all my friends and relatives tried to persuade me to go to a hospital. They claimed that I would go blind.

Master said:

“But I can only do this for whoever is sincere about the practice and the teachings. And so I have to stress that we will be powerless to help you if you are set on getting healed and can’t get past that idea. Why, you might ask? It’s because the way things work in the universe, according to Buddhist thought, is that everything in a person’s life has “causal reasons” behind it, and the ordeals of existence—such as coming into the world, aging, getting ill, and dying—are as they should be.” (The First Talk,Zhuan Falun)

Thus, I became strict with myself. I was paying more attention to studying the Fa, doing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts. Ten days later, my eyes were recovering. One month later, I could see clearly.

Later, when we practitioners shared our experiences, we had new understandings about my sickness karma test. As veteran practitioners, when we slack off and we still consider ourselves practitioners, will we figure out what’s ailing us? Or during the process of eliminating karma, if you realize it is Master who treasures you, you will realize your problems, improve yourself based on the Fa, and pass the test as soon as possible.

In fact, many veteran practitioners, already know their problems. It’s just that they make the same mistakes over and over again, instead of assimilating to the Fa.

Regarding this test, it seems that it’s because I slacked off in my Fa study. The old forces took advantage of it, and as a result, I experienced severe sickness karma. Actually, the state of slacking off caused the symptoms, which were used by Master to wake up practitioners who don’t cultivate diligently. From this perspective, isn’t it because of Master’s mercy, and His not wanting to leave one Dafa practitioner behind. Shouldn’t we thank Master for this?

Master Protects Practitioners

Without Master’s protection, it would be difficult for practitioners to pass tests of sickness karma. I also want to thank Master for helping my husband pass his sickness test.

One night, after my husband lay down, he felt chilly and his bones ached. He was covered with two layers of blankets, yet he still shivered. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate this persecution caused by the old forces. In the meantime, I asked him to look within. However, he was already drowsy, and his body was burning hot, and he eventually lost all sensation.

I asked Master for help: Master, please rescue him. Our villagers are still waiting for us to save them. So I begged Master, and I sent forth righteous thoughts for my husband. When daybreak arrived, my husband woke up and he felt fine. It was as if nothing happened. We were very excited and made the gesture of Heshi to Master to thank him for his protection.

There is another thing through which I can bear witness to the miraculous nature of Dafa. A fellow practitioner asked me to print Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials, but you can’t imagine how hard this is for a farmer who is over 50 years old and who has never touched a computer or a printer – being computer illiterate. Unexpectedly, with the guidance of a fellow practitioner, I learned how to man a computer. I know it was Master who opened my wisdom. The materials I printed looked neat and nice – I thanked Master. Since then, I have been printing materials.

Even though I take good care of the printer, it should get regular maintenance. When a fellow practitioner who provides technical support came to my home, he saw that a part of the printer was broken. He said it was a miracle that the printer still worked in that broken state. We both knew it was Master’s strengthening and encouragement.

Last, but not the least, my husband and I thank Master for his compassion.