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Medical Doctor: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Can Heal the World

Aug. 25, 2023 |   By Zhou Wenying, a Minghui correspondent in Paris, France

(Minghui.org) Practitioners gathered at La Place Saint Michel in Paris on August 20, 2023, to introduce Falun Dafa and tell people about the ongoing persecution in China. They demonstrated the five sets of Falun Dafa exercises and collected signatures on a petition to demand the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) end the persecution. After a man signed the petition, he asked if there was more he could do to help. Another man said, “The CCP is a tumor that needs to be completely removed.” 

Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Dafa of exercises at La Place Saint Michel in Paris on August 20, 2023. 

Many people read the posters and talked to practitioners about Falun Dafa and the ongoing persecution in China. 

People sign the petition to end the persecution.

Medical Doctor: I Absolutely Support You 

Dr. Radwa Elfeqi is a psychologist and therapist at the Cairo Medical University in Egypt. She said she sees practitioners every time she travels to Paris, and believes that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are great universal values that can help people resolve their conflicts. “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance can heal the world. I absolutely support you,” she said. 

Dr. Radwa Elfeqi (left) supports practitioners’ efforts to expose the persecution. 

Ferdinand works in finance. He was shocked and angry when he learned about the CCP’s persecution of Falun Dafa and the atrocity of the systemic organ harvesting from living practitioners in China. “The International Criminal Court in the Hague must investigate this, and reveal what is happening to the public, so as to put pressure on the CCP. This behavior is definitely illegal and people have gotten rich because of it. It must be stopped,” he said. 

My Heart Is With You 

Jacko from southern France said he believes Western countries do nothing about the persecution because of their close economic ties with China. “In Europe, we oppose the policies of the CCP. Today, the CCP is a criminal and should be tried!” he said, “European leaders must be more adamant and take stronger sanctions against the CCP,” “My heart is with you. For the happiness of the Chinese people, eradicate the CCP. God is with us. Keep fighting, keep it up.” 

Jacko and his children encourage the practitioners to keep telling people about the persecution.

Jacques Moreau works with Amnesty International and said he knew about the persecution in China. “I oppose all forms of persecution. When it involves preventing people from thinking and expressing their opinions freely, be it in China or other countries, it upsets me,” he said. 

Jacques Moreau opposes all forms of persecution.

Moreau believes that when most people awaken to the truth and take action, the situation will change, “If everyone does his part to help, one day the combined forces will stop the persecution.” 

Dubourgeais from Bordeaux expressed his opposition to the CCP. He said that people want democracy and freedom, not persecution and dictatorship.