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I Am Fortunate to Be a Dafa Practitioner

Aug. 4, 2023 |   By Jingsi, a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner who was fortunate to begin my cultivation path four years ago.

Not long after my mother passed away, my father married again. When my father passed away, he left his money and house to his wife. I often felt aggrieved because of this. After learning Dafa, I gradually let go of my resentment and stopped arguing with my stepmother. At the time, I thought I had completely let go of my jealousy and resentment.

My stepmother is also a Dafa practitioner. Some time ago, she talked to me about my father, saying that before he passed away, he said he felt sorry for her. I didn’t say anything, but I was upset, thinking: My father felt sorry for her, even though he was leaving her his money and a house. She said that my elder sister and I could have half of the house, but I declined.

She mentioned this matter again recently, and I again felt upset. When I got home, I tried to persuade my elder sister not to argue with our stepmother, but I could feel that deep down in my heart, I was not willing to do what I was asking my sister to do. On the other hand, I also knew that since I’m a Dafa practitioner, I shouldn’t argue with her. I had been thinking this way and telling others that I didn’t want anything, but when I thought about my father’s property being given to my stepmother, my mind was still disturbed. I wondered: why am I like this?

I talked to my elder sister again and tried to persuade her to let the matter go. But I realized I was actually trying to persuade myself. The reason why I couldn’t let it go was because of the resentment I had for my father. It was in my bones. He married another woman not long after my mother passed away, and he didn’t leave his property to us.

That resentment had always been deeply hidden. I told Master Li (Dafa’s founder) in my heart: I don’t want this attachment, and I begged Him to help pull it out from the root. I had firm determination and in an instant, I felt as if a large substance had fallen off my body. I felt relieved all of a sudden and became lighthearted.

Maybe our family owed my stepmother from a previous life. That feeling of relief was really good. Thank you, Master!

A Late Bus That’s Truly On Time!

The pandemic was recently severe in my area. So I wanted to make sure I had enough supplies to make pamphlets to let more people learn the truth about the persecution and be saved. It turned out that another practitioner wanted to buy a printer, so we went together to purchase what we needed. We waited for a bus for 20 minutes, and four other buses came, but ours still hadn’t come. I was a little anxious, but after waiting another 10 minutes, the bus finally arrived.

When we arrived at the marketplace, we found that many shops were closed. The other practitioner suggested that we buy the printer paper first. So we went by a store and saw that the door was open, but it was dark inside. The owner said the building had a power outage, and the store had been closed for several days; a customer called to buy goods, and he just arrived. It was a coincidence that we came at the right time.

The practitioner and I looked at each other and smiled. If the bus came when it should have, we would have arrived at the store only to find it closed. Why else would we have to wait there for more than 30 minutes? We would have returned home upon seeing the closed store, and we couldn’t have bought printer paper. It was Master Li’s arrangement!

After buying paper, we went to buy a printer. That business owner also said he had just opened his store that day. Again, it was Master’s arrangement. I bought all the things I needed, and the bus to return home was not late. What was even more amazing was that all the buses stopped operating the next day. Everything seemed to be prepared just for the two of us. Because we thought of saving people, everything was arranged by Master. Otherwise, we would not have encountered such “coincidences.”

My Encounter with a Special Practitioner

Not long after I began to practice Falun Dafa, a practitioner named Zhang came to our Fa-study group. She has been practicing cultivation for more than 20 years. I noticed she spoke very politely. For example, if she wanted to use the bathroom, she would say, “Can I use the bathroom?” I would reply, “Do whatever you want.” After she was done, she would say thank you. It felt awkward; why was she so polite? We are fellow practitioners.

To celebrate “World Falun Dafa Day” on May 13, she wanted to write an experience-sharing article and asked me to edit it. I agreed, but when I looked at her writing, I really didn’t know where to start. She jumped around from one topic to another and had trouble finishing one point before going on to something else. Because I didn’t know her well, another practitioner who knew Zhang said that I should ask Zhang to explain her story to me. However, Zhang would talk back and forth without thinking. I thought, how could there be such a practitioner? Why did I come across her? What attachments are being targeted in me that should I eliminate?

I listened to her over and over again and tried not to get angry. I thought: I haven’t known her for long, so maybe I need to get to know her better before I can help her with her writing. I was an impatient person who usually didn’t like to hear others nag, and I would look down on someone who did that. I realized it was my opportunity to eliminate my attachments to looking down on others, being impatient, being opinionated, and feeling that I’m very capable.

I then realized that I had so many attachments. Although I couldn’t let go of them all, at least I should try to manage them well. I wanted to be more patient, so I helped her smooth out the article bit by bit. If she didn’t explain something clearly, I rephrased it for her and asked if that was what she meant. She happily confirmed what I said.

Editing the article took a lot more effort than writing one myself. However, her article was not published. Instead, the article I wrote about my experience of helping her was published. I knew that Master was encouraging me. Zhang was very happy when she heard that my article was published. Upon seeing her pure joy without a trace of ill will, the little bit of complacency within me was washed away at once.

She is special because she has a pure heart, which is the omnipotent power of Dafa. She diligently studies the Fa and does not act hypocritically. Whenever I gossiped behind someone’s back, she would look into my eyes and say something like: “Why don’t you say it to him face to face?”

Her presence revealed my attachments to thinking too highly of myself, selfishness, and hypocrisy. I thank Master for letting me meet her and helping me to get rid of those attachments. Zhang and I now go out together to clarify the truth to people. While I distributed flyers, she sent forth righteous thoughts, and while she spoke to others, I sent forth righteous thoughts. Gradually, I got the courage to talk to more people face-to-face.

I’m so fortunate! When I had no way out in life, it was Master who rescued me from the abyss.

My cultivation level is limited, so the above is just my personal experience. If there is anything inappropriate, please correct me.