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Chinese in Ireland Interested in Falun Dafa: “Keep Up the Good Work!”

Sept. 12, 2023 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Ireland

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners in downtown Dublin introduced the mind and body practice on September 2, 2023, a cool autumn day, and told people about the brutal persecution in China by demonstrating group exercises and handing out fliers. That afternoon, many Chinese nationals passed by the area. Among them were students from China and some who had moved to Ireland. They expressed an interest in Falun Dafa and told practitioners what they thought of the practice.

Practitioners held an event in downtown Dublin on September 2, 2023 to introduce Falun Dafa.

You Have Done Well, Keep Going!

A Chinese man who was walking quickly stopped in his tracks when a practitioner greeted him. He told the practitioner he had already taken photos of the display board when he passed the area earlier. He smiled and said, “You have done well, keep up the good work! So many people practice Falun Dafa.”

Mr. Ma agreed to withdraw his membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after the practitioner asked him to do so.

One Must Quit the CCP

“Oh, Falun Dafa!” a young woman from China exclaimed as she took a flier from a practitioner. She raised her head, looked at practitioners doing the exercises, and said, “I know that the Tiananmen Square self immolation incident was staged. Am I right?”

She told a practitioner she was from China, but was studying in Ireland. Recently COVID lockdown restrictions were lifted. She purchased software to break through the Internet firewall in China and was able to read news censored by the regime. She consequently learned that the so called “Tiananmen Square self immolation” was a lie and staged by the CCP to vilify Falun Dafa.

She then raised her voice and said angrily that she saw the true colors of the regime after going through three years of the pandemic. The experience made her buy the software to break through the Internet firewall. When the practitioner told her that 400 million Chinese citizens have already quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, she exclaimed, “One must quit the CCP!” She said she plans to find out more information on Falun Dafa now that she is overseas.

Chinese Woman Wants to Learn Falun Dafa

A middle aged woman from Shenyang was surprised to see photos of Westerners practicing Falun Dafa on the brochure. She turned her head twice to look at practitioners.

A practitioner approached her and explained what Falun Dafa is. The practitioner told her that Falun Dafa is a form of traditional Chinese cultivation practice. It has five sets of exercises and teachings based on the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.

Watching practitioners do the exercises, she said, “They look radiant, they must be in good health.” The practitioner told her the time and location of a practice site, and she said she would go there.

Man From China Wants to Give Falun Dafa Brochures to His Friends

An older man from China smiled and accepted a brochure from a practitioner. He said, “I know all about this.”

He explained that he was from Jiangsu and moved to Ireland many years ago. He said he learned about Falun Gong and the brutal persecution by the CCP a long time ago. He looked at the pile of fliers in the practitioner’s hand and said, “Give me some.” After the practitioner gave him 4 or 5 brochures, he said he wanted more. He told the practitioner he planned to give them to friends.

Student Quits the CCP

Mr. Xue, a student from China and a classmate passed by the information booth that day. Mr. Xue immediately took a flier offered to him by a practitioner.

He appeared nervous and walked away quickly but held onto the flier. The practitioner walked with him and explained the facts about the persecution. The two young men nodded from time to time while listening to the practitioner. When asked if they had joined in any of the CCP organizations, Mr. Xue said he was a Party member and agreed to withdraw his membership.

Fifteen Chinese nationals quit the CCP that day.