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UK: Introducing Falun Dafa at the 2023 EcoFair

Sept. 13, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in the UK

(Minghui.org) The annual EcoFair was held at Carshalton Park in south London on August 28, 2023. There were three solar-powered stages at the event, and more than a hundred stalls offered a variety of vegetarian delicacies and handicrafts, different ecological-themed projects, and a quiet zone.

Falun Dafa practitioners participated in the event and their booth was located in the quiet zone related to spiritual enhancement activities. Visitors could see them demonstrating the exercises as soon as they entered the park. A steady stream of people stopped at the Falun Dafa booth. Some people learned to practice the peaceful and soothing exercises. Many people said they agreed with the universal values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

People Are Interested in Practicing Falun Dafa

A woman learns the Falun Dafa exercises.

A woman with an injured knee said that it was difficult for her to stand, but she felt strong energy around the practitioners as they did the exercises, which made her injured knee feel better.

After doing the first exercise, she said excitedly, “When I overlapped my hands at my lower abdomen, I felt strong energy emanating from my body.” She was able to stand for nine minutes without a cane or other support, which is something she usually cannot do. She said she would find a local practice site and learn the exercises.

A Powerful Energy Field

Angelina and Paul are friends who channel energy to help patients with difficult diseases. They said when they noticed Falun Dafa practitioners meditating, they were immediately drawn by it and asked the practitioners to demonstrate the exercise again while they recorded the whole process on their smart phones.

Paul told the practitioner who demonstrated the exercise, “When I see you doing the exercises, I feel very calm and peaceful. I feel that you are a holy being who came down from a higher space of the universe. I see that there is a very powerful energy field around you, which protects you. Nothing in this world can harm you. You are like a beautiful life that has come down from the upper space. The movements of your hands are so graceful and smooth. It seems like a lotus I saw in my dream, and the energy around you also flows to different directions.”

Visitors learn about Falun Dafa at EcoFair 2023.

“The organ harvesting is unacceptable”

Two friends, Mrs. Carol Starling and Mrs. Carol Farebrocher, were very interested in Falun Dafa, talked with practitioners, and asked to learn the exercises.

When she did the second exercise, Carol Farebrocher said felt her arms felt so tired that she could hardly lift them, but it felt wonderful, so she persevered. She said that when she clasped her hands at her lower abdomen, she felt energy going down from her shoulders, her arms, to her hands, and then she felt energy flowing continuously at the joints of her shoulders and elbows.

The ladies wanted to make a donation, but a practitioner said they don't accept money, so they asked what they could do to help.

The practitioner told them how Falun Dafa is illegally and brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party in China. When she learned that Falun Dafa practitioners had their organs harvested while they were still alive, Carol Starling signed a petition to stop the live organ harvesting and said, “This is completely unacceptable. We have to stop it, and I will tell my friends and family to support you.” Ms. Carol Farebrocher brought her daughter and grandson to sign the petition.

Carol Starling (right) and Carol Farebrocher

Organizer Invites Practitioners to Introduce Falun Dafa

Neil is a volunteer in a community in London and is particularly keen on promoting spiritual activities to his community. He made a special trip to see if he could find what he was looking for at the EcoFair.

Spiritual activity advocate Neil.

Neil talked with practitioners and watched them do the Falun Dafa exercises. A practitioner showed him Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa and said, “The exercises are only one part of Falun Dafa. More importantly, we follow the guidance of this book and the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to require of ourselves to be good people.”

When he heard that Falun Dafa requires practitioners to be good people, he said, “This is so rare!” He immediately invited them to teach the exercises at an event in his community and added, “Our venue is already arranged. We have many people waiting. We are waiting for you to come and teach Falun Dafa.”