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My Understanding About Mass Persecution in Our Region

Sept. 24, 2023 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) I’m from Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province. The arrests and harassment of local Falun Dafa practitioners in the past few years have been so intensive that they seriously affect our efforts to counteract the persecution and save sentient beings.

Facing such a situation, I feel that each of us shares the responsibility of eliminating this interference. As cultivators, we should examine ourselves and cleanse our own field of degenerating substances that are not in line with the Fa. All interference and problems are reflections of loopholes in our cultivation. When persecution happens on a large scale, it indicates that there are cultivation issues in most of us.

Master taught us:

“Yet when some of our students encounter these disturbances, they often push away the problem in the name of our Dafa. Instead of examining themselves, they rely on Dafa to push away the problems. For instance, they say, ‘He’s here to harm our Fa!’ They don’t search for the cause inside themselves or ask why things happened that way: ‘Is it because we’ve done something incorrectly? Is it that I didn’t do things well myself? Is it warning us of something or testing us?’” (Teachings at the Conference in Europe)

Through talking with several other practitioners, I found the following issues among us.

First of all, we didn’t form one body and we lacked compassion for each other. When a practitioner encountered a problem, instead of positively pointing it out or trying to help him or her improve by cultivating the Fa, we criticized them and pushed them away. Even those who were working together to rescue detained practitioners were often at odds with and blamed each other. We should all put ourselves in a lower position. When conflicts arise, we should thank the other party, have the courage to admit that we were wrong, and be more tolerant and cooperative.

Secondly, when working to rescue practitioners, we only focused on how to get them out of the detention centers without showing compassion for the sentient beings who work in the police departments or judiciary agencies. We sometimes even blamed them in our hearts for participating in the persecution. With that mentality, when we wrote letters to persuade them to “do good,” how could the letters be effective? We should understand that they are also in urgent need of our help.

Thirdly, many of us couldn’t keep up with our personal cultivation. Some couldn’t maintain a proper distance with practitioners of the opposite sex, some didn’t show proper respect for Master Li and the Fa, and some still had a strong mentality of showing off and feelings of jealousy, including coordinators. When we made progress, some practitioners took credit for it. They wanted to validate themselves, instead of validating the Fa.

Fourthly, some practitioners were attached to using electronic devices, while others strongly resisted them and didn’t try to make the best use of technology. This also caused some gaps among local practitioners.

I understand that in order to eliminate the persecution, we need to first reject negative thoughts about fellow practitioners and truly form one body with each other. We are not here to have a comfortable environment, but to better assist Master in Fa-rectification and saving sentient beings.

I understand that the evil has already lost a lot of ground, and the persecution is in its final stage. We shouldn’t be confused by the illusion of the evil’s final struggle. As long as we have ample righteous thoughts, the evil is nothing to us.

For cultivators, no matter what happens, it’s an opportunity for us to improve in our cultivating and in saving people. As long as we cultivate ourselves, Master will keep the door open for us.

Editor’s note: This article only represents the author’s understanding in their current cultivation state meant for sharing among practitioners so that we can “Compare in studying, compare in cultivating...” (“Solid Cultivation,” Hong Yin)