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Jiangsu Woman Appeals 3.5-year Prison Term for Her Faith

Sept. 4, 2023 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangsu Province, China

(Minghui.org) A Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province resident is appealing a 3.5-year prison term for practicing Falun Gong, a mind-body discipline that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since 1999.

Ms. Zhang Juan was arrested and put on criminal detention on April 16, 2022 for talking to people about Falun Gong. Her home was also ransacked. Because she refused to answer questions during the police interrogation, she was transferred from her residence in Ganyu District in north Lianyungang to Guannan County, which is about 60 miles away and on the southern border of Lianyungang’s jurisdiction. 

The police held Ms. Zhang in an unknown place in Guannan County and continued to interrogate her. She remained silent to their questions.

The Haizhou District Procuratorate in Lianyungang City approved Ms. Zhang’s arrest on May 24, 2022. Her family received her arrest notice a day later. She was then transferred to the Lianyungang City Detention Center.

According to Ms. Zhang’s lawyer, the police failed to provide valid evidence to detain her. But despite the lack of evidence, the prosecutor still indicted Ms. Zhang on August 10, 2022 and moved her case to the Haizhou District Court. 

Ms. Zhang appeared in the Haizhou District Court on May 29, 2023. Her lawyer entered a not guilty plea for her. He argued that no law has ever criminalized Falun Gong in China. He pointed out that Ms. Zhang shouldn’t have been charged for having or distributing Falun Gong materials, as the Chinese Publication Bureau lifted the ban on Falun Gong literature in 2011. 

Unable to refute the lawyer, the prosecutor claimed that although the Chinese Publication Bureau issued the notice, it was never enforced and didn’t apply to this case. 

The prosecutor went on to accuse Ms. Zhang of “inciting subversion of state power,” without listing any evidence. Her lawyer questioned her how practicing the Falun Gong exercises and trying to follow Falun Gong’s teachings to be a good person could subvert state power. The prosecutor remained silent. The lawyer demanded Ms. Zhang’s acquittal. 

The presiding judge remained silent during the hearing. He adjourned the session without announcing a verdict.

On August 18, the judge handed down a 3.5-year sentence. Ms. Zhang’s lawyer didn’t receive the verdict until three days later. Ms. Zhang has appealed the sentence and is now awaiting the result.

Perpetrators’ contact information:

Li Yongqiang (李勇强), president of Haizhou District CourtJi Rui (季锐), vice president of Haizhou District Court: +86-13961379877Ma Zhaojun (马赵军), president judge: +86-13511566396Tian Yuqiong (田玉琼), prosecutor of Haizhou District Procuratorate: +86-518-85571561, +86-518-83087192