(Minghui.org) Practitioners in the following places in Eastern United States wish Master Li a Happy New Year: North Carolina, South Carolina, New England, New Jersey, Florida, the Greater Philadelphia area, Delaware, and Wisconsin.

Practitioners in the Greater Philadelphia Area wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in North Carolina wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in the New England Area wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in New Jersey wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Florida wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Senior Practitioners in the Greater Philadelphia Area wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Washington D.C. wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in South Carolina wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in South Florida wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Delaware wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Rhode Island wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Practitioners in Madison, Wisconsin wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Six practitioners from a family in Eastern U.S. wish revered Master a Happy New Year!

Greetings to Master also came from a son and father in Georgia. They said:

“Thanks to revered Master’s compassionate arrangement, we have the opportunity to clarify the truth with my Chinese friends this year and participate in Fa-rectification projects. In the new year, we will be more strict with ourselves, diligently practice, and put Dafa first no matter how the environment changes. Master, thank you for the opportunity and blessings you have given me. We miss you!”